Should You Return To Work After An Injury?


When you are injured at work and are covered by a workers' compensation insurance policy, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages if you are unable to return to work. However, there are some cases where your employer might decide to have a return-to-work policy where he can give you light responsibilities so that you'll be able to fulfill the responsibilities of your job without aggravating your injuries.

7 October 2020

Why Photographs Are Useful After An Accident


After you have been involved in an accident, you may want to simply wait until emergency services arrive. In many cases, this is a great idea, especially if it's too dangerous to leave your car or you are injured. However, if you are able to safely leave your car, any photographs you can take of the accident will help your case. Pictures Show Evidence of Damage After an accident, you will need to prove that the damage done to your car was caused by the accident.

24 September 2020

The 5 Steps Of The Personal Injury Claim Process


Have you been injured in a car or truck accident and need compensation for your injuries or other long-term consequences? If so, first it's important to understand how the personal injury claim process works so you can be prepared and find success at each stage. To help you get started, here's a short guide to the 5 stages of the personal injury claim process. 1. Ensure Proper Medical Care The first thing you need to focus on is getting proper medical treatment and care.

14 September 2020

How Will You Pay For A Personal Injury Attorney?


It's not exactly a secret that hiring lawyers is a potentially expensive proposition. That's especially the case for folks who are hurt and unable to work as a consequence. You might wonder how you're going to pay a personal injury attorney to represent your interests. There are two common ways to pay attorneys in the injury field so this article takes a look at both. Contingency Working on contingency is easily the more common approach.

24 August 2020

Wrongful Death Claims: The Four Elements That Must Be Proven


When a loved one passes away unexpectedly, you will be grieving and potentially dealing with the financial loss left in their wake. In order to seek justice and compensation, you may want to think about filing a wrongful death claim. Similar to personal injury claims, the burden of proof is placed on the plaintiff, and as with any other type of negligence lawsuit, your attorney will be responsible for showing four key elements.

13 August 2020

The Negotiation Phase Of Personal Injury Compensation


If you've ended up hurt as a result of another driver's careless actions, you may be entitled to compensation. You can be paid for several areas of damage, including medical expenses, lost wages, lost or damaged personal property, a car repair, and more. To get more information about what is negotiated and how the process works, read on. Don't Fall Victim Twice Accident victims have to be careful not to get taken advantage of after a wreck with injuries.

29 July 2020

The Exceptions to Statutes of Limitations


Many people have heard of the statute of limitations rule. Each state and the federal judicial system places limits on how much time can elapse between an incident and taking legal action. You may have heard that only murder has no statute of limitations but it is not only criminal matters that must abide by the rule. Civil law, and personal injury law in particular, also abide by a statute of limitations.

20 July 2020